PSI offers specific services related to the general activities and the daily operations of a pipeline company. We have extensive experience in engineering, designing, and managing viable solutions to typical Operations and Maintenance (O&M) tasks including: technical / operational standards, federal, state, and local compliance standards.
- Damage Prevention Plans
- Drug and Alcohol Plans
- Emergency Action/Response Plans
- High Consequence Area (HCA), Class Locations Analysis, & Plans
- In-Line Inspection Manuals
- Integrity Management Plans
- Operations and Maintenance Manuals
- Operator Qualification Programs
- Public Awareness Plans
- Risk Assessment Manual
- Standard Operating Procedure Plans

- Above Ground Storage Tanks – API 653 Inspection, Coating Rehabilitation
- Annual Cathodic Protection Testing
- Annual PHMSA Report Submissions
- Atmospheric Corrosion Repairs
- Audit Support Services
- Encroachment Management
- Isolation Testing
- Leak Detection and Monitoring
- NPMS Submissions
- Operator Qualified Technicians
- ROW Patrols
- Valve Inspection & Maintenance
- AC Interference Monitoring
- Cleaning of Pipelines
- Conversion of Service
- Erosion, Washout, and Depth of Cover Mitigation
- Facility Maintenance and Repair
- Facility Upgrades – Mechanical, Electrical, and Civil
- Field Supervision and Inspection Services
- General, Safety, and Technical Training
- Maintenance Pigging and Liquid Handling
- Nitrogen Purging, Drain-ups and Tie-ins
- Pipeline Inspection, Rehabilitation, Replacement, and Re-Routes
- Pipeline Lowering, Relocations, and Replacements
- Pipeline Route Identification and Mapping (GPS surveys)
- Right of Way (ROW) Maintenance (signs, fencing, and mowing)
- Road/Railroad Replacements/Upgrades
- System Enhancements and Rehabilitation

PSI conducts proper maintenance and repairs according to federal, state, and local regulations as well as company specific procedures and practices. Our field inspectors provide immediate response to and mitigation of field anomalies to identify and correct hazardous situations. Employees trained in safety, site investigation, and field engineering provide quality solutions while minimizing system downtime and degradation.
Maintaining contractor relations across the United States allows PSI to provide substantial cost savings on many O&M tasks. We have established strong relationships with multiple highly reputable maintenance and repair personnel. We continuously monitor contractors’ rates, schedules, safety standards, and experience to give you the best suited workers by matching the right skill set to the project at hand.
In addition to project management, PSI retains an in‐house group of qualified inspectors to oversee many O&M tasks or projects. Each inspector is operator‐qualified prior to arriving in the field and proficient with analog and digital testing equipment used for normal O&M tasks.

Full spectrum of services from project initiation, planning, execution, monitoring and controlling to closing.

Experienced staff and latest modeling software allow for state of the art engineering support and design.